Stop Your Debt is a trading style of NDH Financial Ltd. The registered office is 1st Floor, Grovesnor House, St Thomas's Place, Stockport, Cheshire, SK1 3TZ. Company registration number 10965466
Jonathan Gribble is licensed to act as an Insolvency Practitioner in the UK by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW). IP Number 10252, please view here for more information
There is no upfront cost for reviewing your circumstances and determining your suitability for the IVA. If you were to proceed and enter into an IVA, fees are applicable, and full details will be provided before setting up.
*A debt write off amount of between 25% and 75% is realistic, however the debt write off amount for each customer differs depending upon their individual financial circumstances and is subject to the approval of their creditors. A debt write off amount of 75% has been achieved by 10% of our customers in the last 12 months
Data Protection Act registration Number – No: ZA571234
To find out more about managing your money and getting free advice, visit Money Helper Service, https://www.moneyhelper.org.uk/en independent service set up to help people manage their money.
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This privacy policy will apply to you if you provide your personal information to NDH financial even if you decide not to go ahead with any services offered.
As a trading style of NDH financial Limited, the information you provide on this site will also be used within the company.
This privacy policy states how the company will use your personal data to provide products and services.
It is only permitted to use personal information where it falls into one or more of the categories below:
it is necessary to enter into or fulfil a contract we have with you;
You have provided your consent;we have a legal or regulatory obligation to do so;it is necessary to carry out a task which is in the public interest;it is necessary to protect your vital interests; orit is in our legitimate interest to do so and it is not against your rights.Initial application and adviceWhen you make an application for help or submit a product enquiry, we will use the information your details to provide you with appropriate solutions we may be able to offer. If you cannot provide this information, we may not be able to progress with your application or enquiry.
We may also use this information to contact you about and process your application, including email, text, telephone and written correspondence.
We will process the personal data we collect about you for the purposes set out below at purposes for processing your personal data.
After you have made you initial application/enquiry, if you also decide to go ahead with any of the products or services that we offer, the sections below explain how we will also process your data when we provide that particular product(s) or service(s).
In the event that a service that we offer is not appropriate, or you do not wish to proceed with it, however, there is another service which we are unable to provide, but work with a third party who is able to provide it we will collect the information detailed below, to enable us to introduce you to the relevant third party.
Where NDH financial Ltd has identified a service that you are interested in proceeding with, but it does not currently offer, NDH financial Ltd will pass your details to the relevant third party after obtaining your consent. As part of this process, NDH financial Ltd will be required to collect the below information to enable them to introduce you to the relevant third party. Once you have been introduced to the relevant third party, and decide to proceed with a service provided by them, then they will confirm the information they collect, how they will deal with it, and for how long they will keep it.
To be able to introduce you to the relevant third party we will need to collect certain categories of personal data. This will include:
Your full name, address, contact number, e-mail address etc. This will be needed for the third party to contact you, and provide the relevant service.
Your date of birth, gender, any previous names that you were known by, your living arrangements, employment details, details of any dependents, creditor details (including the names of your creditors, reference numbers and balances), details of any assets you hold and your payment information. We need this to determine if a relevant service is appropriate for you, and then for the third party to do the same, and subsequently provide the service, should you decide to proceed.
Details of your financial position including all sources of income and your household expenditure. We need this to determine the appropriateness of the service you have been referred to.
In some circumstances we may need to collect special personal data however we will not do so without express consent from you and we will only do so where it is necessary for the purposes of assisting with your financial situation.
We will ask for your consent to obtain information from a credit reference agency to obtain information about your financial situation, including information about your creditors, their status, outstanding balances and account numbers.
Call recordings, chat logs and e-mails: When you contact us by telephone, your call may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes. We also keep any e-mail correspondence and online chat logs for the same purposes.
In instances were a site user does not qualify for products administered by NDH financial Ltd. these people will be transferred to partners that can best administer a product suitable to the individual that are non-insolvency products.
If you do not go ahead with any product or service with us, your personal information will normally be deleted after 12 months unless we have another reason to keep your personal information, for example, if you have given your consent to receive marketing information from us. We will delete your information sooner if you ask us to, as detailed below.
Should you, for any reason, become concerned the personal information and details we hold about you is incorrect or would like your personal information to be removed from our records, please contact us by email atsupport@ndhfinancial.co.uk We will be happy to review, update or remove information as appropriate. It’s important to note that we will keep your information unless you ask us to remove it.
If you are an NDH financial Limited client, we will be unable to delete your information for six years – even after your debt arrangement is complete. However, you should note the information held can be amended if required.
To request a copy of the personal data we hold on you, please get in touch using the email address above.
If we are providing a debt solution such as an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA), Trust Deed, or have been appointed Trustee in your Bankruptcy, we will process your personal details to administer the services provided. This could include contacting you should we require further information or sending updates on the progress of the services being provided to you.
Where we provide ongoing services, we will require you to agree to the terms and conditions of the debt solution or service. These will set out how the service will be provided to you and where we will be required, under the terms and conditions, to process your personal information. For example, we would need to your share information with your creditors to enable us to set up and administer debt solutions such as an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) or Trust Deed.
Please read the section(s) relevant to the specific products and services you receive from us.
If you enter into an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA), it will be provided by NDH financial Limited. The information below specifically explains how and why your personal data will be used so that the services can be provided to you.
What personal data will we need to collect?To be able to provide our services we will need to collect certain categories of personal data. This will include:
Your full name, address, contact number, e-mail address etc. We need this so that we can keep you updated on the progress of your IVA and contact you when necessary. We also need this information to draft your proposal to creditors.
Your date of birth, gender, any previous names that you were known by, your living arrangements, employment details, details of any dependents, creditor details (including the names of your creditors, reference numbers and balances), details of any assets you hold and your payment information. We need this so that we can decide whether an IVA is appropriate for you and so that we can draft and send a proposal to your creditors. Once you enter into an IVA, we need this information to ensure that we can collect payments and take any changes in circumstances into consideration when administering the IVA.
Details of your financial position including all sources of income and your household expenditure. We need this so that we can draft your proposal to creditors and set the correct level of payments to be paid into your IVA.
Special personal data: In some circumstances we may need to collect special personal data however we will not do so without express consent from you and we will only do so where it is necessary for the purposes of assisting with your financial situation.
We will ask for your consent to obtain information from a credit reference agency to obtain information about your financial situation, including information about your creditors, their status, outstanding balances and account numbers. We will also use this information to confirm your identity and to comply with anti-money laundering legislation.
Call recordings, chat logs and e-mails: When you contact us by telephone, your call may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes. We also keep any e-mail correspondence and online chat logs to help us to manage your IVA.
Your creditors and their representatives: Your personal data will be shared with your creditors, their agents, debt collectors, bailiffs and solicitors dealing with the debts. This is key to allow us to provide the service we have agreed to provide you and also ensures that we comply with our regulatory obligations.
The Insolvency Service: If your IVA is accepted then details about you and your IVA will be recorded on the Insolvency Register which is accessible by the public. The information we share includes your name, gender, date of birth and address. We have a legal obligation to supply this information. The details on the Insolvency Register will be shared with the Credit Reference Agencies. The Credit Reference Agencies will also use the Insolvency Register to update your records once the IVA is completed or terminated.
From time to time we may have to share your information with regulatory bodies. These include the Insolvency Practitioners Association, the Information Commissioners Office or any other regulatory body or authority who may request certain information as part of their supervisory role. We are under legal and regulatory obligations to provide this.
Solicitors: We may from time to time need to instruct solicitors to assist with the administration of your IVA or to assist us with legal, regulatory and contractual obligations.
We use third party software companies to help manage your data.
Where we have a duty to investigate any potential compensation claims that you may be entitled to, for example payment protection insurance mis-selling claims, we will share some of your information with claims management companies.
Other third parties: We may also share your personal information where we have your consent to do so, or where we are required to do so under a legal or regulatory obligation, for example where we are required to do so by a court order, the police, local authorities or the courts. We might share some of your information with the emergency services if you are in any immediate danger.
In instances were a site user does not qualify for products administered by NDH financial Limited these people will be transferred to partners that can best administer a product suitable to the individual that are non-insolvency products.
We transfer data to our partners to enable our partners to deliver to you, products, services and information that you have expressed interest in, or that are compatible with the reason you provided your personal data. We may do this because you gave your consent. Once we have delivered your personal data to our partner that partner becomes the controller of your personal data and they will treat your personal data in accordance with their privacy policy. Once your personal data has been delivered to our client we are no longer responsible for your personal data. Our Partners have their own privacy policies in relation to the data they hold or process. You can ask them about their privacy policy when they contact you.
Our Partners are made up of categories of business types. When we talk about our clients in this privacy policy we mean our partners are authorised and regulated debt solution providers in the United Kingdom.
If you do not go ahead with any product or service with us, your personal information will normally be deleted after 12 months unless we have another reason to keep your personal information, for example, if you have given your consent to receive marketing information from us. We will delete your information sooner if you ask us to.
If you become our customer by entering a debt solution, we will keep your data to ensure that we provide you with our services and comply with our legal and regulatory obligations. Your data will be stored for six years from the date that we cease to provide you with our services. We cannot delete this data if you ask us to because we are required to keep it by law. After this time, we will delete the information or anonymise the data so that it cannot be linked back to you.
If you enter into a Trust Deed, it will be provided by NDH financial Limited. The information below specifically explains how and why your personal data will be used so that the services can be provided to you.
Contact details: Your full name, address, contact number, e-mail address etc. We need this so that we can keep you updated on the progress of your Trust Deed and contact you when necessary. We also need this information to draft your proposal to creditors.
Your date of birth, gender, any previous names that you were known by, your living arrangements, employment details, details of any dependents, creditor details (including the names of your creditors, reference numbers and balances) and your payment information. We need this so that we can decide whether a Trust Deed is appropriate for you and so that we can draft and send a proposal to your creditors. Once you enter into a Trust Deed, we need this information to ensure that we can collect payments and take any changes in circumstances into consideration when administering the Trust Deed.
Details of your financial position including all sources of income and your household expenditure. We need this so that we can draft your proposal to creditors and set the correct level of payments to be paid into your Trust Deed.
In some circumstances we may need to collect special personal data however we will not do so without express consent from you and we will only do so where it is necessary for the purposes of assisting with your financial situation.
We will ask for your consent to obtain information from a credit reference agency to obtain information about your financial situation, including information about your creditors, their status, outstanding balances and account numbers. We will also use this information to confirm your identity and to comply with anti-money laundering legislation.
Call recordings, chat logs and e-mails: When you contact us by telephone, your call may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes. We also keep any e-mail correspondence and online chat logs to help us to manage your Trust Deed.
Your creditors and their representatives: Your personal data will be shared with your creditors, their agents, debt collectors, bailiffs and solicitors dealing with the debts. This is key to allow us to provide the service we have agreed to provide you and also ensures that we comply with our regulatory obligations.
If your Trust Deed is accepted then details of about you and your Trust Deed will be recorded on the Register of Insolvencies which is accessible by the public. The information we share includes your name, gender, date of birth and address. We have a legal obligation to supply this information. The details on the Register of Insolvencies will be shared with the Credit Reference Agencies. The Credit Reference Agencies will also use the Insolvency Register to update your records once the Trust Deed has been finalised.
From time to time we may have to share your information with regulatory bodies. These include the Insolvency Practitioners Association, the Information Commissioners Office or any other regulatory body or authority who may request certain information as part of their supervisory role. We are under legal and regulatory obligations to provide this.
We may from time to time need to instruct solicitors to assist with the administration of your Trust Deed or to assist us with legal, regulatory and contractual obligations.
We use third party software companies to help manage your data.
Where we have a duty to investigate any potential compensation claims that you may be entitled to, for example payment protection insurance mis-selling claims, we will share some of your information with claims management companies.
Other third parties: We may also share your personal information where we have your consent to do so, or where we are required to do so under a legal or regulatory obligation, for example where we are required to do so by a court order, the police, local authorities or the courts. We might share some of your information with the emergency services if you are in any immediate danger.
If you do not go ahead with any product or service with us, your personal information will normally be deleted after 12 months unless we have another reason to keep your personal information, for example, if you have given your consent to receive marketing information from us. We will delete your information sooner if you ask us to.
To unsubscribe from our communications please follow the opt out information on every SMS or email communication you receive from us.
If you become our customer by entering a debt solution, we will keep your data to ensure that we provide you with our services and comply with our legal and regulatory obligations. Your data will be stored for 6 years from the date that we cease to provide you with our services. We cannot delete this data if you ask us to because we are required to keep it by law. After this time, we will delete the information or anonymise the data so that it cannot be linked back to you.
If you are declared Bankrupt it will be administered by the Insolvency Service, until it is referred to a Trustee in Bankruptcy. In the event an Insolvency Practitioner of NDH financial is appointed as Trustee, the information below specifically explains how and why your personal data will be used so that the services can be provided to you.
What personal data will we need to collect?To be able to provide our services we will need to collect certain categories of personal data. Some of this data will be provided by the Insolvency Service from the information you provide to them during the time your estate is managed by the Insolvency Service. This will include:
Contact details: Your full name, address, contact number, e-mail address etc. We need this so that we can keep you updated on the progress of your Bankruptcy and contact you when necessary.
Personal and financial details: Your date of birth, gender, any previous names that you were known by, your living arrangements, employment details, details of any dependents, creditor details (including the names of your creditors, reference numbers and balances), details of any assets you hold and your payment information. Once you enter into Bankruptcy, we need this information to ensure that we can collect payments and take any changes in circumstances into consideration when administering the Bankruptcy. In addition, this will enable us to ensure the appropriate assets are realised as part of the administration of the Bankruptcy.
Income and expenditure: Details of your financial position including all sources of income and your household expenditure. Where an Income Payments Order or Agreement is put in place prior to our appointment, we will require this information to determine the appropriate level of payment. In addition, this may be used by the Insolvency Practitioner when considering the appropriateness of any offer made for assets of the bankruptcy estate.
Special personal data: In some circumstances we may need to collect special personal data however we will not do so without express consent from you and we will only do so where it is necessary for the purposes of assisting with your financial situation.
Creditor reference agency data: We will ask for your consent to obtain information from a credit reference agency to obtain information about your financial situation, including information about your creditors, their status, outstanding balances and account numbers. We will also use this information to confirm your identity and to comply with anti-money laundering legislation.
Call recordings, chat logs and e-mails: When you contact us by telephone, your call may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes. We also keep any e-mail correspondence and online chat logs to help us to manage your Bankruptcy.
Who will the data be shared with?Your creditors and their representatives: Your personal data will be shared with your creditors, their agents, debt collectors, bailiffs and solicitors dealing with the debts. This is key to allow us to provide the service we have agreed to provide you and also ensures that we comply with our regulatory obligations.
The Insolvency Service: If your Bankruptcy is accepted then details about you and your Bankruptcy will be recorded on the Insolvency Register which is accessible by the public. When you have not been discharged prior to the appointment of the Insolvency Practitioner as Trustee, the register will be updated with our appointment.
Our regulators: From time to time we may have to share your information with regulatory bodies. These include the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, the Information Commissioners Office or any other regulatory body or authority who may request certain information as part of their supervisory role. We are under legal and regulatory obligations to provide this.
Solicitors: We may from time to time need to instruct solicitors to assist with the administration of your Bankruptcy or to assist us with legal, regulatory and contractual obligations.
IT providers: We use third party software companies to help manage your data.
Agents: Where we have a duty to investigate any potential compensation claims that you may be entitled to, for example payment protection insurance mis-selling claims, we will share some of your information with claims management companies.
Other third parties: We may also share your personal information where we have your consent to do so, or where we are required to do so under a legal or regulatory obligation, for example where we are required to do so by a court order, the police, local authorities or the courts. We might share some of your information with the emergency services if you are in any immediate danger.
If you do not go ahead with any product or service with us, your personal information will normally be deleted after 12 months unless we have another reason to keep your personal information, for example, if you have given your consent to receive marketing information from us. We will delete your information sooner if you ask us to, as detailed below.
The information we collect from you depends on the product or service you apply for, or the service that we provide to you. We will only collect information that we actually need, or where we’re required to collect the information to enable us to perform our legal, regulatory or contractual obligations necessary to provide you with the products or services, or where we have your permission.
This will likely include the collection of:
your personal details (e.g. name, date of birth)address detailscontact details (e.g. phone number, email)special personal information* (e.g. health information)financial informationemployment informationinformation on how you use our website(s) and products and servicesSpecial personal informationData protection law defines some personal information as “special categories of data”. This includes information about physical or mental health, sexual life, religious beliefs, race or ethnic origin, political opinions, trade union membership or biometric data. This information may be necessary to collect when understanding the reason for your financial circumstances, or where it may help us to provide a better service to you. For example, a period of ill health could have caused you to fall behind with your regular payments to your creditors.
Where we need to collect and process this type of data about you, by providing this information to us you give your explicit consent for us and any other third party to process this special data as set out in this privacy policy, unless we have a legal obligation to process this type of data.
Any personal information about you relating to criminal convictions or offences may only be used by us when authorised by law.
Information about other peopleIf you provide personal information about someone else, for example when a joint application is made, you must do so with the permission of the other person. If you enter into a service jointly with another person (for example, linked Individual Voluntary Arrangements), your personal information and any information about the service provided to you will be shared with the other person.
We will use the personal information about the other person in the ways as described in this privacy policy.